Primacs Series



The PrimacsSERIES Carbon / Nitrogen Analyzers have been designed to offer a true solution of Carbon and Nitrogen analysis in solid samples. Depending on the requirement of the laboratory and the applications a variety of analyzers is available.


Total Organic Carbon and Protein-Nitrogen analyzer for Solid & Liquid samples

The PrimacsSNC-100 is our latest, modern and flexible sample analyzer with integrated 100-position autosampler for determination of Nitrogen (N), Protein, Total Carbon (TC), Total Elemental Carbon (TEC), Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) all in one unit.

The analyzer provides fast, reliable, accurate and low level analysis of these parameters in applications such as soil & plant, sludges & sediments, animal feed & grain, food, malt & wort, fertilizer etc.

The PrimacsSNC-100 contains an extra large integrated autosampler with 100 positions covered with a transparent lid. The sampler can analyze large daily sample loads in one batch. The sample rack is removable and re-usable quartz crucibles are used for sample weights up to 3 g of solid material. Samples are introduced in the analyzer through a unique vertical sample introduction system. Sample ashes remain in the crucible after the analysis and are taken out of the instrument with removal of the crucible. This avoids sample ash build-up in the combustion zone and therefore reduces maintenance.

High temperature combustion with Non Dispersive Infrared detection (NDIR) is used for the analysis of TOC, TEC and TIC. The temperature settings are variable to get optimum combustion for different sample matrices and to allow the analysis of TEC.

The determination of TN/Protein is based upon DUMAS methodology and detection with Thermal Conductivity (TCD). The DUMAS method is fast, safe and a good alternative for the old fashioned Kjeldahl.

TIC can also be analyzed using automatic acidification and purging.

The instrument is delivered with a modern and flexible software package.


TOC add-on module for Solid samples

The PrimacsSERIES Carbon / Nitrogen analyzers also include the PrimacsMCS add-on module for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis for solid materials such as soil, sediments and sludges. The PrimacsMCS operates in combination with the FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon analyzer (liquid samples), offering an economical concept to environmental laboratories for Total Organic Carbon analysis on aqueous samples as well as solid materials and sludges.

The PrimacsMCS is equipped with a dual-oven design, allowing separate analysis of Total Carbon (TC) and Inoragnic Carbon (IC). Total Carbon is determined by catalytic oxidation of the sample at 1100°C, converting the carbon present in the sample to CO2, which is detected by the NDIR detector of the FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon analyzer. Inorganic Carbon is determined by acidification of the sample in the IC reactor, which converts the Inorganic Carbon to CO2. The Windows based PrimacsMCS software collects the data and calculates the TOC concentration of the sample by substraction ( TC – IC = TOC).

The PrimacsMCS analyzes TCIC and TOC in a range of 500 µg to 40 mg absolute carbon in up to 3 g of sample weight. Due to the automatic low-to-high range switching IR detector of the FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon analyzer, the combination of the FormacsSERIES analyzer with the PrimacsMCS add-on module offers environmental laboratories a powerful tool to analyze TOC from low ppb concentrations in aqueous samples up to ppm levels in solid materials. The PrimacsMCS conforms to international regulations such as EPA, ISO, NEN-EN 13137 and US EPA 9060.

Typical Applications

  • Food & Animal Feed
  • Soil & Plant
  • Grains & Seed
  • Solid Waste
  • Industrial control
  • Process control
  • Sludges
  • Sediments
  • …and many more