Quantima represents a quantum leap in technology.
It is at the forefront of a long tradition of excellence and engineering. Its robustness is only superseded by its reliability and compactness. No matter what the application, the Quantima will analyse faster, more accurately and more cost effectively than ever before!
The Quantima offers many new innovative features including the Plasma Cam and...
SIM ICP 6000
Then new SIM ICP 6000 is a simultaneous high resolution ICP-OES with wavelength range 120 to 850 nm allowing measurement of even Halogen elements (Cl, Br, I) down to ppb levels.
Dual View – Radial and / or Axial view
Solid State Detector
Rowland Circle Design with linear CCDs
Superior UV performance – upto 1000 times more sensitive compared to Echelle optics ICP-OES
Integra 6000
The feature-packed Integra XL is a compact sequential ICP which delivers more features, more power and flexibility and greater performance than higher priced competitive systems. The radially-viewed instrument provides detection limits which closely match and for many elements, out-perform those of axially viewed systems in real samples, with all the benefits of a radially viewed system, offering higher sensitivity,...
ICP-OES Software
ICP-OES software brings together nearly two decades of ICP development and the expressed needs of a world-wide user-base in a Windows®-based package which provides complete instrument control (over 200 parameters), true multi-tasking capabilities, powerful graphics tools, exhaustive wavelength library, and a range of automated facilities to make the operation of your ICP straightforward.
Set up method files using the familiar...
ICP-OES Accessories
SDS3000 Auto Sampler
The SDS3000 is a fully automated transverse (X-Y-Z) auto sampler operated directly from the ICP-OES software. Used in conjunction with automatic plasma shutdown, it permits true overnight unattended operation. Programmable sampling parameters include measurement time, normalization rate, number of standards, number of samples and rinse times.
Concentric glass nebulizer is standard. Optional inert ceramic V-groove is available for...